Integration with your application

Delivering MO messages to your application

HTTP Webhook API

This is the preferred method as it provides guaranteed delivery.

Full details are in the Reference section: Receiving MO messages via HTTP Webhook


Don't forget to whitelist Rock7 IP Addresses to receive data!

These are the IP addresses you will need to whitelist so that we can send data through your firewall:

Email delivery

Please note that this method of delivery can be less reliable than the HTTP POST method discussed above. Nonetheless, it can be a convenient, and human-readable way to deliver your messages.

You must first configure the email address(es) for delivery, which can be done by logging in to your RockBLOCK account.

When a message is sent by your RockBLOCK, we will send an email to your configured addresses. An example of the email format is shown below:

Subject'Message 171 from RockBLOCK 300234010753370'
BodyIMEI: 300234010753370 MOMSN: 171 Transmit Time: 12-10-02 14:59:7 UTC Iridium Latitude: 51.6173 Iridium Longitude: 0.2888 Iridium CEP: 3 km Data: 48656c6c6f20576f726c64 --
Attachment300234010753370-171.bin (11 bytes)

Your message appears hex-encoded in the body of the email. The unencoded message data is also attached.
Please refer to the table above (HTTP POST parameters) for a description of the other fields.

Sending MT messages from your application


The HTTP endpoint for sending MT messages is documented here:

Sending MT messages

From web console

When not using an API, log on to the Web Admin page so send admin messages to RockBLOCKS. See the RockBLOCK Management Page for more details.